CD Dental Bridge VS. Implant - Which Is Better For You

Dental Bridge VS. Implant: Which Is Better For You

The most common question is whether dental bridges or implants are best for you when it comes to teeth replacements. If you have missing teeth, it means that you are at risk of infection. However, if you know what dental procedure you need, you can easily have a healthy set of teeth in no time.

From this article, you will learn all the differences between dental bridges and implants, their aesthetics, types, cost, and effectiveness.

What Is a Dental Bridge?

Before there were dental implants, the only way to fix missing teeth was to have a dental bridge. The purpose of a bridge is to connect the spaces between the teeth caused by missing teeth. The remaining teeth must be anchored with the neighboring teeth, filed down, and used as support.

How Does It Work?

Upon your first visit, the dentist will prepare the neighboring teeth and remove parts of the enamel to recontour them and allow enough room for the dental crown. An impression will then be created as a model to build the crowns and bridges that will fit.

After the first visit, you will need to make multiple visits to the dentist to check your teeth for improvements and whether adjustments are necessary.

How Long Does It Normally Last?

The average time for a dental bridge typically lasts around ten years. However, it still depends on the state of the teeth and the bridge itself. If you take care of your dental bridge and keep it clean, you can prolong its lifespan and usability.

Cost of Dental Bridges

The cost of dental bridges depends on various factors, such as the number of teeth required to fill the space, the materials used to create the bridge, and the situation’s complexity.

What are Dental Implants?

If you are wondering if bridges or implants are better for you, you must know everything about dental implants. Implants support a crown with a post that serves as the root of the tooth. It is usually fused to the jawbone and anchors the tooth into position. After merging, an abutment will be attached to the frame to provide space for the dental crown.

How Does It Work?

Dental implants require surgery for the process. The dentist will drill a small hole into the jawbone to secure the base of the tooth in the bone carefully. Then the dentist will place the gum over the implant to heal.

After healing, you will require a second surgery. The dentist will then place a connector on top of the implant to keep it in place.

How Long Does It Normally Last?

Unlike bridges, dental implants are more durable and have a longer lifespan. Dental implants are also easier to maintain and can be replaced without affecting the neighboring teeth.

Cost of Dental Implants

Dental implants can cost up to $3,000 for a single tooth depending on the same factors as dental bridges.

Which Costs More?

This question is sometimes the deciding factor for some people’s treatment preference.

When it comes to dental bridges vs. implants cost, dental implants are significantly higher than dental bridges because they require more complex procedures such as bone grafts, sinus lifts, and other bone supporting processes. If a person needs more than one implant, it also adds to the cost. On the other hand, the cost of dental bridges depends on the type of bridge the patient needs and the number of missing teeth.

Although dental bridges cost much less than implants, it still depends on a person’s case to determine what procedure they need.

Are Implants Better Than Bridges?

Dental implants and dental bridges are often compared in terms of procedure, type, cost, and effectivity. Implants provide better and more extended protection to the teeth because they can last a lifetime. Bridges, however, only have a lifespan of about ten years.

Implants also provide support to your jaw health and ensure that the bones remain strong. This procedure will result in better oral health. Bridges can stand in for your missing teeth, but dental implants can copy the primary function of the original tooth you lost. Also, implants are known to look more authentic than bridges.

When it comes to the choice between dental bridges vs. implants, most people choose the cheaper option. If you are not sure what treatment to choose, you can visit Century Dental. Our dentist in Treasure Island, FL, performs dental implants and bridges. We can determine what procedure will be best for your condition. Visit our website for more information or contact us now!

Picture of Dr. Abdullah M. Allawnha

Dr. Abdullah M. Allawnha

Dr. Allawnha, born in New Orleans and raised in Windsor, Canada, earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Windsor. He worked as an ER nurse in Detroit, Michigan, before moving to Morgantown, West Virginia, to become a dentist. He completed his Doctorate of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from West Virginia University School of Dentistry while still working as a nurse until he graduated.

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