CD Can You Eat Without Teeth Or Dentures

Can You Eat Without Teeth or Dentures?

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Sometimes, losing teeth is inevitable. There are several factors that could contribute to teeth loss – some are controllable, some are not. But in the end, losing teeth is a major life-changing incident for any adult. It changes your lifestyle and your confidence.

When you lose a tooth or a couple of teeth and you have no dentures or dental implant yet, eating becomes a major concern. While waiting for your dentures or implants, eating without teeth is unavoidable. You need to eat to live and you get hungry several times a day. However, it’s important to know what foods are safe to eat without teeth.

What Are the Foods You Can Eat Without Teeth?

  • As you may have guessed, soft but nutritious foods are the most ideal. You still need to have a healthy diet. The following are some of the options you may have:
  • Vegetable soup is a good source of energy and lowers blood pressure.
  • Eggs are rich in protein. However, it’s recommended that you eat them scrambled or poached. Avoid hard-boiled eggs.
  • Smoothies enable you to consume fruits and vegetables without chewing them.
  • Oatmeal contains fiber which is good for the digestive system.
  • Yogurt keeps the digestive tract healthy. It is also a great source of calcium, potassium, and protein.
  • Applesauce makes your immune system strong due to its Vitamin C content.
  • Cottage cheese is another great source of calcium and protein. It is also good for those who need stability with their blood sugar.
  • Beans, mashed, of course, are a good source of iron.
  • Mashed potatoes are a delicious source of potassium and fiber.

While you do have all these choices, long-term eating without teeth is not ideal. Yes, you can acquire the “skills” over time for eating without teeth or dentures, but are you aware of what it can do not only to your mouth but to your digestive system?

What Are the Risks of Eating Without Teeth Or Dentures?

Irritated and Infected Gums and Jaw

As you may have imagined, eating without teeth equates to chewing without teeth. Chewing without teeth, especially chewing without molars, will require a lot of extra work from your gums and jaw.

Needless to say, a key function of teeth is to cut and grind food. Without teeth, these functions are passed on to the gums and jaw. Not being used to chewing, your gums and jaw must work extra hard. When your gums and jaw work this hard over time, they will become sore, irritated, and worse, could deteriorate.

The pressure on your gums does not only cause discomfort but also provides a way for bacteria to get inside. Thus, the infection begins. When an infection gets untreated, it leads to gum disease.

Digestive Problems

The process of eating food requires the whole digestive system to function, starting with the mouth. When eating without teeth or dentures, the act of improper chewing can lead to incomplete digestion. When the food is not chewed properly, chances are you will swallow large food particles. These large pieces are hard for the colon to digest. Not only that, nutrients will not be absorbed properly.

Another factor in digestion is saliva production. Saliva is essential in the digestive process as it lubricates the food enabling one to swallow and digest food properly. When you are chewing without teeth, there is not enough production of saliva.

Loss of Bone

When you continue eating without teeth or dentures for a long time, your jawbone might wear down. The pressure against the jawbone makes the bone itself recede and could later lead to permanent bone loss. When this happens, dental implants in the future may not be possible as this requires bone support.

Can You Eat Without Dentures?

Yes, but it poses a lot of risks to your body. Whenever you ask an expert, it is always advisable to get a dental implant or dentures when there is bone loss. It does not only help you chew properly but it helps retain the structure of your mouth – which is essential for your wellbeing.

What Do You Need to Do?

Talk to your dentist about the best option you have. There are dental procedures that would suit your needs and lifestyle. Never be afraid of approaching professionals. They are here to help you improve your life even after tooth loss.

Should you need help from a professional dentist in Treasure Island, FL, Century Dental is the clinic to call. Talk to us and you won’t feel the need to continue eating without teeth.

Picture of Dr. Abdullah M. Allawnha

Dr. Abdullah M. Allawnha

Dr. Allawnha, born in New Orleans and raised in Windsor, Canada, earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Windsor. He worked as an ER nurse in Detroit, Michigan, before moving to Morgantown, West Virginia, to become a dentist. He completed his Doctorate of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from West Virginia University School of Dentistry while still working as a nurse until he graduated.

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