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Helping Teenagers with Braces: 6 Ways to Help Them Adjust

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Teenagers frequently have a keen sense of their looks and how they come across to others. Dental braces may be necessary to straighten their smile if their teeth are crooked. However, for teenagers, getting braces can be a frightening experience. If you’re a parent who has teenagers with braces, it is imperative to assist and mentor them. Read on below for ways how to deal with braces and how to cope with braces pain.

6 Ways To Help Teenagers with Braces

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Teenagers’ physical and mental adjustment to getting braces can be significant. Physically, braces might make it difficult for your teen to eat or speak since they can irritate and produce soreness in the mouth. Your teen may be emotionally bothered or self-conscious about how they look, mainly if they are nervous about how their braces will appear.

As a parent or guardian, you may help and support your teen throughout this period. Here are a few ways:

1. Explain why they need braces.

If your child is reluctant to receive braces for their teeth, you can start by explaining the value of braces and all the advantages they offer. To start, you can explain to them that getting the perfect smile requires dental braces and they are no longer needed to harbor insecurities regarding their dental flaws.

It also helps to discuss additional advantages of braces, including:

  • They may improve chewing capacity.
  • They’ll lessen clenching and grinding.
  • They help with correcting a speech impairment.

You can assist your child in understanding the significance of receiving braces and making them feel more at ease about the procedure by highlighting the advantages of braces and outlining why they are required. It’s also crucial to address any worries or anxieties they might have and reassure them that you’ll be there for them at every stage of the process.

2. Discuss expectations.

Preparing for braces also includes setting expectations.It’s crucial to honestly discuss what to anticipate throughout treatment with your adolescent before they get braces. They may feel better prepared and at ease throughout the process. You could begin by describing the appearance and sensation of the braces.

Inform your teen that while they might first feel sore and uncomfortable, this is normal and will pass in time. Additionally, it’s critical to review the length of the treatment and what to expect at each appointment.

3. Offer treatment options.

Parents should consider their teen’s lifestyles and personalities when discussing dental braces with their teens. It’s important to talk to the dentist as braces might occasionally prevent kids from participating in certain activities. Encourage your adolescent to discuss their preferences with the dentist, but don’t be afraid to ask the dentist to go through all the options with them if they are hesitant.

Also, letting the dentist know if your teen participates in sports or wind instruments is essential. The dentist will use this information to choose the appropriate braces for your adolescent’s needs. For instance, the dentist might advise braces that won’t hinder your teen’s ability to play a wind instrument if they do.

Another thing to consider is whether your teen would feel comfortable smiling while wearing braces. For example, clear braces or Invisalign aligners may be preferred by some teenagers who want their braces to blend in less. Your teen can feel secure and at ease throughout their orthodontic treatment if you and their dentist discuss these possibilities.

4. Research dental routines for braces.

It’s essential for parents or guardians to be aware of any difficulties adolescents may experience when they undergo orthodontic treatment with braces. Keeping up with good oral hygiene is one of the biggest obstacles that teens with braces might face. This is because teeth with braces require extra attention and specialized cleaning instruments compared to their regular oral hygiene regimen.

Thankfully, the internet is an excellent tool for getting information and guidance from orthodontic specialists, dentists, and other parents or guardians facing similar challenges.

5. Prepare brace-friendly meals.

Your teen may find it difficult to eat hard foods after an adjustment, which can cause discomfort and suffering from the braces. Prepare meals that are soft, easy to chew, won’t harm the braces, and won’t make the child feel more uncomfortable to show your love and support as a parent or guardian.

Avoiding foods with a firm or crunchy texture, such as popcorn, almonds, apples, and corn, is one of the best ways to take care of braces. These foods can harm the braces, as they cause wires to move or break.

6. Encourage proper dental hygiene.

Teenagers with braces need to consistently follow a more specific and complex dental hygiene routine. The good news is that your dentist will provide you and your adolescent with the required knowledge.

You’ll receive particular dental hygiene product recommendations from your dentist, including soft-bristled toothbrushes, floss, inter-dental brushes, mouthwash, and orthodontic wax. Some dental kits are also available in dental facilities. As their parent, you can kindly remind your adolescent to clean their teeth before bed and after each meal.

Supporting and monitoring your adolescent’s dental hygiene routine is essential to ensuring the best results from their orthodontic treatment.


For teenagers, receiving braces can be a significant physical and mental change. Knowing how to deal with braces can significantly impact how your teen handles this new experience. There are various strategies to assist your adolescent in adjusting to life with braces, from talking about expectations and preparing braces-friendly meals to offer emotional support and encouraging excellent oral hygiene habits.

Remember to be optimistic and patient throughout the procedure, and ask your dental professional for advice. Your teen may handle this trip with confidence and a gorgeous smile if given the correct attitude and support.

Help your teen regain their smile and confidence at Century Dental.

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Making your teenager feel confident and comfortable with their braces is easier if you also consult a reliable dentist. If you’re looking for the best family-friendly dentist in South Pasadena, FL, Century Dental can give your child the care they need. Contact us to set an appointment now!

Picture of Dr. Abdullah M. Allawnha

Dr. Abdullah M. Allawnha

Dr. Allawnha, born in New Orleans and raised in Windsor, Canada, earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Windsor. He worked as an ER nurse in Detroit, Michigan, before moving to Morgantown, West Virginia, to become a dentist. He completed his Doctorate of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from West Virginia University School of Dentistry while still working as a nurse until he graduated.

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