CD Benefits of Regularly Flossing Teeth - Century Dental

Benefits of Regularly Flossing Teeth

According to dentists and other experts, people include brushing their teeth as a part of their daily routine, but brushing alone is not sufficient prevention. Bacteria in between teeth are not always reached through brushing the teeth alone, which is why dentists recommend that flossing should be a part of people’s daily oral hygiene.

When flossing is done correctly and regularly, the bacteria on the teeth are prevented from turning into plaque. For that reason, oral problems will have a slimmer chance of occurring.

To further understand how regular flossing can help, we are going to discuss its benefits.

Benefits of Regular Flossing

You might be asking the question, “Why floss when I already brush my teeth twice a day?”

To answer that question, flossing your teeth benefits you in ways you may not notice. Even dentists recommend it since it is proven to help you prevent dental problems and other diseases. Here are some of the benefits of regularly flossing:

Prevents Plaque Buildup

There is no guarantee that the remaining food particles in your teeth and gums are removed when brushing. Often, they get stuck in between teeth and lead to plaque buildup.

Since plaque is difficult to see, its buildup goes unnoticed by many. However, it should not be something that stays in your mouth for a long time because the bacteria in it release acids that can eventually damage the protective layer, also known as enamel, outside the teeth.

Dentists recommend daily flossing to prevent plaque buildup in certain areas of the teeth that brushing cannot clean.

Prevents Gum Disease

Plaque buildup is not only found in between teeth but also in the gum lines. When left intact, it can lead to various gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis.

The symptoms of those gum diseases are swollen and bleeding gums. If not treated immediately, those diseases can result in extreme tooth decay, which you undoubtedly do not want to happen. So, this gives you more reasons to floss your teeth daily.

Prevents Bad Breath

Food particles left in between teeth and gum lines are one of the main reasons bad breath or halitosis occurs. In addition, gum diseases and cavities are also some of the common causes of bad breath.

As you can see, flossing your teeth regularly can prevent all of the causes of bad breath.

Prevents Heart Disease and Helps Control Diabetes

Flossing teeth prevents oral problems; it also helps reduce the risk of developing heart disease, and it helps control diabetes.

When gums bleed due to gingivitis, you can safely assume there is a small cut which is probably where the bleeding is coming from. What you do not see is that bacteria can easily enter your bloodstream through that same cut.

When that happens, the risk of blood clots and heart disease increases. Moreover, these bacteria may also damage other organs. So, to prevent the problems mentioned above from occurring, brushing twice a day and flossing once a day are recommended.

It is a surprise to many that diabetes and flossing are connected in some ways. To make it simple, the bacteria buildup in the mouth can affect the glucose level in the blood. For people diagnosed with diabetes, this is a significant problem. If anything, this can cause instability in the glucose level and might lead to worse conditions.

Prevents Respiratory Problems

The throat is connected to the respiratory system, so the mouth must stay clean to prevent bacteria buildup. As you know, bacteria may travel from the throat to the respiratory system and cause diseases such as pneumonia.

How Often and When Should You Floss

According to the American Dental Association, if you want to know how often you should floss your teeth, once a day is enough. As long as you brush your teeth twice and floss once every day, you will be able to maintain good oral and dental health.

You may floss at any time of day. If you want to floss in the morning to start your day with a clean mouth or prefer flossing at night to ensure you have a clean mouth before you sleep, both are beneficial.

If you need any help when it comes to dental health, we are here to help you! At Century Dental, we aim to promote good oral hygiene to ensure that our patients stay healthy. For more questions about how flossing can help, we gathered the best dentists in St. Pete Beach, FL, to assist you. Contact us now!

Picture of Dr. Abdullah M. Allawnha

Dr. Abdullah M. Allawnha

Dr. Allawnha, born in New Orleans and raised in Windsor, Canada, earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Windsor. He worked as an ER nurse in Detroit, Michigan, before moving to Morgantown, West Virginia, to become a dentist. He completed his Doctorate of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from West Virginia University School of Dentistry while still working as a nurse until he graduated.

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