CD - A close up shot of a male with overbite

Fixing An Overbite: A Comprehensive Guide

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Having a misaligned bite can be a cause of worry for many people, affecting not only their appearance but also their oral health. An overbite is one of the most common bite issues, which occurs when the upper front teeth overlap significantly with the lower front teeth.

An overbite can be a source of self-consciousness for some individuals, leading them to seek ways to correct it. You’re in the right place if you’re one of those people. This blog will provide a comprehensive guide on fixing an overbite, including its causes and treatment options.

What Is an Overbite

An overbite is a condition where your upper front teeth overlap significantly with your lower front teeth when you close your mouth. Various factors, such as genetics, bad oral habits, and skeletal problems, can cause it.

Overbites are classified into two types: vertical and horizontal. The vertical overbite occurs when the upper teeth excessively overlap the lower teeth, while the horizontal overbite involves the upper teeth protruding forward.

Understanding your overbite type and underlying cause is crucial for effective treatment. Different kinds of overbites often require unique treatment approaches.

For example, a vertical overbite might require orthodontic adjustments, while a horizontal overbite may involve more comprehensive jaw realignment.

The severity and cause of the overbite will determine the most effective treatment options, ranging from braces and aligners to surgical interventions.

Main Causes of Overbite

A variety of factors can contribute to the development of an overbite. Understanding these can help in overbite correction. Here are the common causes of an overbite:


Causes of overbite can be hereditary. If your parents or close relatives have an overbite, there’s a higher chance you may also develop one. Genetic factors influence the jaw’s size, shape, and tooth position, making you more prone to overbites.

Bad Oral Habits

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Prolonged thumb-sucking, pacifier use, and bottle-feeding are bad habits that can contribute to the development of an overbite. These habits put pressure on the developing teeth and jaw, causing a shift out of natural alignment, leading to a need for an overbite fix.

Jaw Irregularities

Some overbites result from underlying jaw irregularities. A shorter lower jaw than the upper jaw can result in a more pronounced overbite. These structural issues require a multi-faceted treatment approach, possibly involving orthodontic and surgical interventions.

Teeth Crowding

Teeth crowding can also lead to the development of an overbite. Insufficient space in the jaw forces the teeth to shift and overlap, causing an overbite and requiring overbite correction.

Understanding these causes can help you know how to fix an overbite effectively.

Can you correct an overbite?

Yes, you can correct an overbite. Several treatment options for fixing an overbite are available, and the best approach depends on the severity of your overbite.

Although fixing an overbite is generally easier during childhood and adolescence when the jaws are still developing, adults can also achieve successful overbite correction through various methods.

The ideal time to fix an overbite s during the early mixed dentition stage, which is around 7 to 9 years old. However, if you missed this crucial window for fixing an overbite, don’t worry. Several fix options are still very much possible in your adult years.

How to Fix an Overbite

The treatment options for overbites can be divided into non-surgical and surgical. The non-surgical methods include:

1. Braces

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Braces are the most common treatment for fixing an overbite. They use brackets, wires, and rubber bands to move the teeth into the desired position gradually. The treatment often takes several months to a few years, depending on the complexity of the overbite.

Regular visits to the orthodontist for adjustments are an essential part of the process, as they allow for ongoing progress monitoring and any necessary changes to the treatment plan.

2. Clear Aligners

Clear aligners might be a good fit if you want a more discreet overbite fix. These custom-made, removable trays gradually move your teeth into proper alignment. Made from transparent material, they are virtually invisible, allowing you to undergo treatment without drawing attention to your mouth. Clear aligners are typically worn for 22 hours daily and are changed biweekly.

3. Overbite Appliances

Devices like bite blocks and corrals can also be effective in how to fix an overbite. These appliances work by adjusting the jaw position to reduce the severity of the overbite. They are often recommended for children and teenagers whose jaws are still developing.

4. Orthodontic Retainers

After undergoing braces or aligner treatment, orthodontic retainers are essential in maintaining the teeth’s new positions. They can also contribute to overbite fix efforts. Retainers are typically worn full-time initially and then gradually reduced to nighttime-only wear.

5. Teeth Removal (in severe cases)

In severe cases involving significant teeth crowding, extracting some teeth may be necessary to create enough space for overbite correction. Tooth extraction allows for better alignment by reducing the pressure and overcrowding in the mouth, which can be a hurdle in the effectiveness of orthodontic treatments like braces or aligners.

Post-extraction, the newly created space can facilitate more effective movement and positioning of the remaining teeth, contributing to a successful overbite fix.

6. Overbite Exercises

Overbite elastics, or rubber bands, are used with braces or aligners to help correctly align the upper and lower teeth, offering an additional approach to fixing an overbite. These elastics apply consistent pressure to adjust the bite and bring the jaws into proper alignment, making them essential in effective overbite correction.

7. Jaw Expanders

Jaw expanders are used when a narrow upper jaw is one of the causes of overbite. These appliances apply gentle pressure to the upper jaw, gradually widening it to create more space for teeth alignment.

Jaw expanders are not only effective but also commonly recommended for younger patients whose jawbones are still in the development stage. Addressing the issue early on lays the groundwork for a more balanced and functional bite, minimizing the need for more invasive treatments in the future.

8. Surgical overbite correction

Surgical overbite correction is usually advised for severe cases not adequately addressed with non-surgical overbite fix methods. The surgical options include:

  • Orthognathic Surgery – Orthognathic surgery, also called jaw surgery, aims to fix skeletal issues contributing to the causes of overbite. This procedure involves repositioning the upper and lower jaws to improve alignment and is often paired with orthodontic treatment for comprehensive overbite correction.

  • Genioplasty – Genioplasty, or chin surgery, may also be performed alongside orthognathic surgery as part of a holistic approach to fixing an overbite to enhance facial harmony for optimal results.

What is the fastest way to fix an overbite?

The fastest way to fix an overbite depends on the severity of the condition. Overbite fix options like braces and clear aligners can yield quicker results when diligently worn and properly maintained for mild to moderate overbites.

Braces are the most common and effective treatment for overbites, as they can gradually move your teeth into their proper positions. The duration of the treatment may vary, but it typically takes 12 to 24 months to see significant improvements.

Consider overbite correction with clear aligners if you’re looking for a faster alternative. These custom-made, removable trays can straighten your teeth more discreetly and in a shorter time than traditional braces, usually within 6 to 18 months.

The Bottom Line

An overbite is a common dental problem, but the good news is that fixing an overbite is entirely possible with the proper treatment. The treatment choice for overbite correction depends on the severity of the condition and its underlying causes. Orthodontic options, such as braces or clear aligners, are often the go-to overbite fix for most individuals. However, surgical intervention may be necessary for a successful overbite fix for more severe cases.

If you’re considering overbite correction, it’s essential to consult with a qualified dentist or orthodontist to determine the most suitable treatment for you. Remember that every overbite is unique and may take time. Nonetheless, the result will be a confident smile with a properly aligned bite.

Take Action for a Perfect Smile with Century Dental

Don’t let an overbite keep you from smiling confidently. Whatever the severity or cause, Century Dental offers a range of effective treatments tailored to your needs. Schedule your consultation with our dentist in South Pasadena, FL, today and start your journey to a perfectly aligned smile!

Dr. Abdullah M. Allawnha

Dr. Abdullah M. Allawnha

Dr. Allawnha, born in New Orleans and raised in Windsor, Canada, earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Windsor. He worked as an ER nurse in Detroit, Michigan, before moving to Morgantown, West Virginia, to become a dentist. He completed his Doctorate of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from West Virginia University School of Dentistry while still working as a nurse until he graduated.

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